Below is a portfolio of projects funded under the University of Nicosia Research Foundation.

Click on the project code to access more information about each project.


  • The Europeanisation of Intercultural Education: Politics, Policy-Making and Challenges: The Case of Cyprus (CY-01)
  • Αξιοποίηση Λαϊκών Ιστοριών της Κύπρου για Προώθηση της Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης (CY-02)
  • Ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογίας μοριακής βιολογίας για την ταυτοποίηση και ποσοτικό έλεγχο ειδών γάλακτος και χαλούμι (CY-03)
  • ReProTool, A Software Tool for the ECTS and Bologna Process Re-engineering of University Programmes (CY-04)
  • Molecular Analysis and Biotechnological Applications of Olive Plant Enzymes Involved in Phenolic Compounds with Antioxidant Activity (CY-05)
  • Climate Change and Public Health: Assessment of the Effects of Extreme Weather and Development of Innovative Prevention and Mitigation Strategies (CY-06)
  • V-sense: A Vehicular Sensor Network Infrastructure (CY-07)
  • KD4CD: Knowledge Discovery for Complex Data in Formal and Relational Concept Analysis (CY-08)
  • Creation of a Kidney Specific Bio-Bank and Infrastructure for Genomics/Proteomics Research (CY-09)
  • Πολιτισμικός Τουρισμός και Κοινωνική Κατασκεύη της Αυθεντικότητας στην Κύπρο (CY-10)
  • The Use of Graphic Symbols in Inclusive Primary Schools: An Investigation of Symbol Practices and Beliefs of Teachers and Therapists (CY-11)
  • Early Identification and Assessment of Preschool Children with Specific Language Impairment in Cyprus (CY-13)
  • Development of Novel Methods for the Toxicity Assessment of Multi-component Chemical Mixtures to Humans and the Ecosystem (CY-14)
  • “ΔΙΑΒΑΖΟΥΜΕ;” Έρευνα Για Τα Αναγνωστικά Κίνητρα, Στάσεις, Συνήθειες Και Συμπεριφορές Των Μαθητών Του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Και Ανάπτυξη Προγράμματος Για Προώθηση Της Φιλαναγνωσίας (CY-18)
  • Development of a Novel Automated Monitoring System for Sea Border Security using Thermal Imaging and Sonar Technologies (CY-20)
  • Intelligent Library Management System (CY-22)
  • Characterization of Polymeric and Biological Systems using High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy and Multi-angle Dynamic and Static Light Scattering (CY-23)
  • Readings of Ancient Greek Philosophy: The Paradigm of Heidegger’s Aristotle Interpretation (CY-24)
  • Postcolonial Communication: The Impact of Territorial Conflicts on the Construction of National Media-capes – Mediating Partition (CY-26)