Developing Communities of Practice to Maximize the Usability and Impact of Clean Sport Education in Europe
So far, much of European and other funding has been allocated to the creation of new knowledge in doping prevention and anti-doping education. However, there has been disproportionately less consideration of effective ways to manage and sustain this knowledge in ways that will maximize the usability and impact of existing anti-doping education initiatives, and lead to the development of new ones. Recognizing the need to deliver a cost-effective and self-sustained knowledge management process, project IMPACT will develop, for the first time, face-to-face and virtual Communities of Practice for Clean Sport Education across Europe. Through a strategic partnership with key academic experts who possess a large intellectual capital on developing and evaluating anti-doping education, and international and national stakeholders and key actors from the word of sports (sport associations; anti-doping agencies; organizations for doping prevention in amateur sports), project IMPACT aims to develop the knowledge management context that is needed in order to transform existing anti-doping educational resources into meaningful, relevant, timely, impactful and sustainable tools, and to stimulate the generation of new and innovative anti-doping educational solutions.
Project Reference:
Funding Programme:
Role of UNRF:
Primary Investigator:
Nicos Kartakoullis
Project Website: